Welcome to the NGA Pro Athletes Gallery
Long time NGA show promoters, Francine and Andrew Bostinto, welcome men and women athletes to share their accomplishments. Andrew is president and founder of the National Gym Association (NGA).
Congratulations from all of us at NGA to you!
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Mark Cecil - Pro Master Bodybuilder, Pro Classic Physique Master
Personal: Married, 3 children
Place of Birth: Bardstown, KY
Instagram: @theprisongym
State of residence: Kentucky
Available For Posing Exhibitions and/or Seminars: Yes
Occupation: CAD Technician, Farmer/Rancher
Hobbies:Fishing, Hunting, Knife Making
Favorite TV Show:King of Queens
Training since: 2008
Year Turned PRO: 2022
Height: 5' 10"
Preshow Weight: 190 lbs.
Show Weight: 167 lbs.
Personal Trainer Since: 2000
NGA Personal Trainer Since: Gym Owner, Professional Athlete
Education: College Graduate
Best Body Part: Chest
Most Challenging Body Part: Calves
Favorite Exercise: DB Press
Least Favorite Exercise: Lunges
Traits You Admire Most In Others: Self Motivation
Traits You Admire Most In Yourself: Never Give Up
5 - PRO Cards
3 - PRO Wins
9 – Overall Wins
23 - 1st Place Wins
7 - 2nd Place
6 - 3rd Place
2 - 4th Place
1 - 6th Place
BIO: I am a man of many faults and shortcomings but that doesn't have to define me. Bodybuilding has given me a challenge physically, mentally, and emotionally. The ongoing competition to create a better version of myself in all 3 of these areas knocks at my door every single day. It doesn't allow me to sit in my weakness and get comfortable there. It moves me, drives me, and forces me to battle each day to be a better version of myself not just as a bodybuilder, but also as a husband, a father, and a human.