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National Gym Testimonials - Arnold Schwarzenegger

Governor SchwarzeneggerThe President of the NGA Andy Bostinto is a real icon and idol to many people in the personal training field and bodybuilding business. Your letter brought back memories of training at your gym Andy. I am honored and delighted to receive this honorary certificate from your organization. I hope I look half as good as you do when I am your age. You are a big idol for a lot of people. Everybody needs somebody to look up to.Governor Schwarzenegger

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger
Former Mr. Olympia


National Gym Testimonials - Lou Ferrigno

I highly recommend the NGA certification course for those who want to maximize their training, health and lifestyle. It is a must for all serious trainers.
Lou Ferrigno
Actor, Former Mr. Universe and “The Original Incredible Hulk”



National Gym Testimonials - Jack LalanneI have known Andy Bostinto for many years. There should be more people in the Physical Fitness profession that are as dedicated. I'm proud to recommend Mr. Bostinto's knowledge and teachings to anyone.

Jack Lalanne
“The Godfather of Fitness”



National Gym Testimonials - Al Pacino

During the preparation for the film "Carlito's Way" I received the attention of Andy Bostinto as a personal trainer and diet consultant. He always handled himself with professionalism and displayed a knowledge and love for his subject. Andy is a true professional and I highly recommend him and his organization to all.
Al Pacino



National Gym Testimonials - Patrick Stewart Our sessions, which lasted for 12 weeks began to show quite a change in my upper body in a period of just 3-4 weeks. Spending 1-2 hours in the very best possible company with a man, if anyone knows what they're doing with bodybuilding, it's Andy. Whatever I got today, I owe it to Andy and the NGA.
Patrick Stewart



National Gym Testimonials - Regis Philbin

Businessman and Mr. America’s alike have benefited from his knowledge and experience. If you are serious about a career as a personal trainer there’s only one place to go and that’s the NGA.
Regis Philbin