National Gym Association

November 15, 2025
The Center at Deltona
1640 Dr. Martin Luther King Blvd.
Deltona, FL 32725
* * 2025 * *
NGA PRO/AM Universe
Show Registration
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NGA Since 1979!
The National Gym Association, Inc. (NGA), established in 1979, is a growing organization and one of the most recognizable training and athletic associations in the world. The NGA is a 501(c)(3) NOT-FOR-PROFIT organization that dedicates all resources and experience to the natural athlete and to teaching and training individuals to become the most professional certified personal fitness trainers in the world.For our promoters, our goal is to make promoting your NGA show cost effective and easier.
Become an NGA Natural PRO/AM Bodybuilder
Natural bodybuilders looking to get involved in amateur or professional competitions, the NGA is a prestigious organization that promotes and sanctions "all natural" professional and amateur competititions nationwide and abroad. Learn about our NGA CATEGORY GUIDELINES. To join NGA or renew your NGA MEMBERSHP .
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WRITE A REVIEW: Your feedback will help other athletes make informed decisions. You will also be helping the NGA know how they are doing and how they can improve their services.
Become Your Own Personal Mental Fitness Trainer
The Pathway to Physical Fitness, Longevity and Emotional Health
by Andrew Bostinto
Nationally recognized as one of this country’s top physical fitness professionals, Andrew Bostinto’s experience in weight training, lecturing, writing, teaching and personal training spans over six decades.
"Mental Fitness” employs fitness training for the purpose of direct, self induced change for the better. It’s purpose is to go much deeper than physical training alone.
— from the Introduction
I have known Andy Bostinto for many years. There should be more people in the Physical Fitness profession that are as dedicated. I’m proud to recommend Mr. Bostinto’s knowledge and teachings.
— Jack LaLanne