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Andy BostintoA message to NGA Promoters from Andrew Bostinto, CEO of NGA

The NGA truly appreciates our promoters. Without them the NGA could not exist. Becoming an NGA Promoter, you join The National Gym Association, Inc. (NGA), established in 1979, and are a part of one of the most recognizable training and athletic associations in the world. The NGA is a 501(c)(3) NOT-FOR-PROFIT organization that dedicates all resources and experience to the natural athlete and to teaching and training individuals to become the most professional certified personal fitness trainers in the world.

Photo left to right: Paul Hadler, Clint Brackbill, Rev Warren I. Egebo, Matt Ammann, Bina Saez, Rick Pierre (no longer an NGA promoter), Jason Robinson, Me, Andy, Melissa Miller, Josh Miller, Todd Elliot, Johnny “The Motivator” Carrero, Jonathan Aggen, Terri Whitsel, Early “The Pearl” Snyder. Promoter email is on our The NGA Promoter's Committee page.

Become an NGA Promoter

NGA is a growing organization and we are seeking experienced promoters. Our goal is to make promoting your show cost effective and easier. We help our promoters in numerous ways. To highlight a few:

Direct contact with the President Francine Bostinto.

* You are listed in our NGA Promoter Directory

• A FREE NGA NATURALmag to submit articles to promote your shows and write articles to promote your area of expertise. The magazine readership increasingly reaches beyond the immediate NGA circle.

• We have 230,000 (and growing every week) hashtags and a strong, dynamic FACEBOOK social media community for our NGA Promoters.

• We have E-mail newletters that go to an audience of over 10,000 people.

* Your shows are listed on the Amateur Schedule and/or PRO Schedule and updates are made within 24-hours of notification.

* Your NGA show results are posted in our NGA Show Results listings as well as in the NGA NATURALmag issues.

• Check out NGA Promoter gallery and learn about their experiences in the fitness field while finding out some of their personal accomplishments. The NGA Promoter gallery is FREE and allows the athletes to learn more about you!

If you are interested, call 954-344-8410 or email and we can explain more about what we do.