Welcome to the NGA Pro Athletes Gallery
Long time NGA show promoters, Francine and Andrew Bostinto, welcome men and women athletes to share their accomplishments. Andrew is president and founder of the National Gym Association (NGA).
Congratulations from all of us at NGA to you!
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Melissa Stenberg - Pro Figure
Personal: Married
Facebook: Melissa Stenberg
State (residence): Iowa
NGA Pro Athlete: Pro Figure & Master Figure
Pro Athlete Training since: 2008
Year Turned PRO: 2013
Stats: Height: 5'2", Weight Preshow:127 Weight Show:120
May 2014 NGA Master's Figure 1st Place - Pro Card winner
June 2013 NGA Open Figure 1st Place - Pro Card winner
Education: HS Graduate, College Graduate, Master's Degree
BIO: Five years ago I was about to turn 40, I was overweight and didn't want to bring in turning 40 feeling miserable about myself. A friend of mine told me I needed a goal and since I liked to lift weights she thought a good goal would be to do a figure competition. I started in March of 2009 training and got on a solid nutrition program, with the goal of stepping on stage in September. I worked really hard, learned how to eat healthy and by September I did my very first figure competition!!! I fell in love with the sport, competing several times a year, with many highs and lows. Doing well and not so well, but learning and growing as a person so much along the way. I have been married for 16 years, I have 4 children. A daughter who is 14, a son who is 12, and twin boys who are 9. My husband doesn't compete but is my biggest supporter. I've been a personal trainer for the last 5 years. My goal with every one of my clients is to teach them how to train and incorporate good nutrition that I have learned through this sport.