Welcome to the NGA Pro Athletes Gallery
Long time NGA show promoters, Francine and Andrew Bostinto, welcome men and women athletes to share their accomplishments. Andrew is president and founder of the National Gym Association (NGA).
Congratulations from all of us at NGA to you!
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Antony Richburg - Pro Male Physique, Pro Male Master Physique, NGA Judge
Personal: Married, 4 children
Facebook: NgaProTonyRichburg
State (residence): Florida
Available for posing exhibitions and/or seminars: Yes
Occupation: NGA Pro Athlete, NGA Judge, Fitness Model, Trainer
Hobbies: Playstation, Flag Football
Favorite Movie: The Matrix Trilogy
NGA Judge since: 2016
Training since: 1995
Year Turned PRO: 2014
Stats: Height: 5' 8" Weight: Preshow 165, Weight: Show 166
Best Body Part: Chest
Most Challenging Body Part: Calves
Favorite Exercise: Bench press
Least Favorite Exercise: Running
Traits You Admire Most In Others: Integrity
Traits You Admire Most In Yourself: Loyalty
NGA Abraham Fitness Championship, Coral Springs, FL - 1st Place Pro Open
NGA Pro Universe Pro/Am, Coral Springs, FL - 2nd Place
NGA Abraham Fitness Championships, Coral Springs, FL - 1st Place Pro - Open
NGA Night of Champions & Muscle Beach Pro/Am, South Beach, FL - 1st Place Pro Open Class and 1st Place Pro Masters 40+
NGA Central Florida Classic, Ormand Beach, FL - 3rd Place
NGA Champion vs Challengers, Tampa, FL - 1st Place - Open and Overall
Personal Training since: 2012
NGA Personal Trainer: Certified Personal Trainer
Certificates: A.F.P.A.
Education: HS Graduate, Some College
BIO: I came from humble beginnings. Being the first Richburg to go to college means a lot to me. Eventhough I didn't finish, I hope to have paved the way for others with learning disabilities. I try to show my children the importance of school and education as opposed to just athletics. I am also an advocate of natural bodybuilding. I've been helping people achieve their goals for decades now. I've also found that most aren't willing to sacrifice the things that are ailing them...just another form of addiction. As I move on in my fitness journey, I hope that more will listen and do what they need to live a long, healthy, and happy life. In the end, it's up to that person. Death will come, but do you really need to help it along? Health should be the focus not spring, summer or material things. I have built my life on training people how to be fit, healthy, and look better. It all starts when you start... no short cuts! We're all in it for the long haul.