Welcome to the NGA Certified Personal Trainer Gallery
The National Gym Association comprises a board of directors and faculty staff that include Medical Directors, PhD's, Masters in Medical Biology and Nutrition, Promoters, Personal Trainers, Current Bodybuilding Champions and many more. All are dedicated to the betterment of all-natural, drug free bodybuilding and providing world class certified professional fitness training programs.
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Sharon McKay - NGA Certified Personal Trainer
Train at the Firstenburg Community Center in Vancouver, WA
• Have been a NGA personal trainer for approximately 14 years.
• Have done 21 shows between the ages of 40-50 years old.
• Have 16 first place trophies and 2 overalls.
• Train clients from toddlers, teens, athletes, people with disablilites
• Train seniors to help them with their health and fitness needs.
• Have taught all sorts of classes from senior lifting classes to boot camp.