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Welcome to the NGA Pro Athletes Gallery

Long time NGA show promoters, Francine and Andrew Bostinto, welcome men and women athletes to share their accomplishments. Andrew is president and founder of the National Gym Association (NGA).

Congratulations from all of us at NGA to you!

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Cynthia L. Burr - Pro Bodybuilder, NGA Certified Personal Trainer
Cynthia L. Burr

Cynthia L. Burr - Pro Bodybuilder, NGA Certified Personal Trainer

Personal: Married. 4 children


Facebook: Cindy Burr

State of residence: New Hampshire

Available for Posing Exhibitions and/or Seminars: Yes

Occupation: Dental Hygenist, Herbalist, Holistic Nutritionist, Forensic Dental Identification National Team Member

Hobbies: Lifting Weights, Gardenting, Hiking, Fishing, Cooking

Nga Pro Athlete: Female Bodybuilder

Training since: 2007

Winnings/ Placings:
2012 NGA Pro Galaxy - 1st Place
2011 Granite State Open, Ms. Granite State Open - 1st Place Masters
2011 Granite State Open, Ms. Granite State Open - 1st Place Lightweight
2011 Granite State Open, Ms. Granite State Open - 1st Place Open
2011 Granite State Open, Ms. Granite State Open - Best Poser
2011 Granite State Open, Ms. Granite State Open - Pro Card Winner
2011 NY State Natural - 1st Place Masters
2011 NY State Natural - 2nd Place Open
2011 Gaspari Cape Cod Natural - 3rd Place Masters
2011 Gaspari Cape Cod Natural - 3rd Place Open
2011 Spirit of Americal - 2nd Place Master
2011 Spirit of Americal - 1st Place Tall
2011 Spirit of Americal - Best Poser
2010 Maine Event - 1st Place Novice
2010 Maine Event - 2nd Place Masters
2010 Maine Event - 2nd Place Open
2009 King Water Classic, Utica, NY, 1st Place Novice
2009 King Water Classic, Utica, NY, 1st Place Masters 45+
2009 King Water Classic, Utica, NY, 1st Place Masters 35+
2009 King Water Classic, Utica, NY, 2nd Place Open

Year Turned PRO: 2011

Stats: 5' 3" Weight: Preshow 123 lb. Weight: Show 113 lb

NGA Certified Personal Trainer: Certified Personal Trainer, Professional Athlete, Nutritionist

Personal Training since: 2011

Certificates: NGA Certified Personal Trainer, NGA Nutrition Dietary Planner

Education: College Graduate: BS American Holistic College of Nutrition, Clayton College of Natual Health, Sage Mountain Herbal Apprenticeship, Associate of Science Dental Hygienist

Bio: As a wife, mother, and health professional, I believe that EVERYONE has a desire to be healthy. We live in a time when temtation and misleading information are in abundance. It is my vision to educate and inform individuals willing to make a change in their lives and those around them with factual, science based, usable information, to enhance and modify the quality of their lives at any point in time. "One plate at a time"

Cynthia L. Burr