Welcome to the NGA Pro Athletes Gallery
Long time NGA show promoters, Francine and Andrew Bostinto, welcome men and women athletes to share their accomplishments. Andrew is president and founder of the National Gym Association (NGA).
Congratulations from all of us at NGA to you!
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Honaire (Greco) Murillo - Pro Figure
Personal: Married, children
Place of Birth: New Jersey
State (residence): Illinois
Available For Posing Exhibitions and/or Seminars: Yes
Occupation: Business analyst
Hobbies: Biking, family, dogs, working out
Favorite Movie: Armageddon
Favorite Actor: Denzel Washington
Favorite Band: Metallica
Favorite Performer: The "Rock"
Food: Egg White Omelet
Favorite TV Show: Chicago Fire
Pro Athlete Training since: 1985
Year Turned PRO: 2014
Stats: Height: 5' 1" Weight: Preshow 128 Weight: Show 108
Education: College Graduate and Certificate Programs
Best Body Part: Back
Most Challenging Body Part: Shoulders
Favorite Exercise: Leg press
Least Favorite Exercise: DB lateral raises
Traits You Admire Most In Others: Charisma
Traits You Admire Most In Yourself: determination, drive, kindness
independence, and nuturing
May 2015 - NGA Pro Midwest Championships Peoria-4th pro figure
Oct 2014 - IFPA PQ Great Lakes SuperNatural overall open/masters figure
Certificates: University of Health and Fitness, National Gym Association
Seventeen major surgeries, 46 year old single mom of 2, career oriented… excuses for many, but it only made me work harder. I didn’t let anything or anyone stop me from obtaining my figure pro NANBF card. I have sole custody of my two beautiful girls Carlissa and Gianna and I have spent the past fourteen years working for McDonald's Corporation as a business analyst.
As if that alone isn’t enough to discourage many from even trying, I was hit by a motor boat while visiting Puerto Rico on business in 1996. At the time, I had won several local NPC bodybuilding shows and was pursuing my dream of becoming a pro bodybuilder. I was 27 years old but my dream faded quickly when I was hit by a boat driver who was intoxicated and I ended up losing part of my hamstring in the accident, breaking six ribs in multiple places, puncturing my lung and herniating the vertebrae in my neck and back. The doctors performed a series of 12 reconstructive procedures on my leg including skin grafts and the use of custom designed implants that were inserted in my hamstring and filled with 2 Liters of saline solution over a two month period. Afterwards, the surgeon removed the implants and was able to reconstruct most of my hamstring. Unfortunately, it was nowhere near new. I completely lost one full head of my left hamstring and the remaining two heads were severed badly. During my 6 week stay in the hospital, I remained positive and never gave up. I was bedridden for the first four weeks before being moved to the inpatient rehab center. I went through rehab and tried to inspire other patients not to give up. I had lost so much blood that it took me almost a week just to be able to stand up without passing out. Eventually, walking assisted by a walker, then a cane and then unaided in over the next two weeks.
Doctors laughed when I asked them about competing again and they told me that I would be lucky to work out but my days as a competitive bodybuilder were definitely over. People in the gym continuously told I would never set foot on stage again. I chose to ignore these people and looked deep within myself. I pushed through and used their negative energy to drive me. I wanted to prove to myself that I wasn’t ready to call it quits or make excuses. Sure I would have to train differently and it took years to accept the malformation of my leg, but I promised myself that I would compete again one day.
In the interim, I switched my focus to powerlifting. I got stronger and stronger but it took 3 plus years to complete the series of reconstruction surgeries. After these surgeries, I had additional surgeries to undergo as a result of the accident including two shoulder surgeries and a fusion of my lower lumbar spine. Six months after the spinal fusion, I decided to make a debut and I competed in NGA Windy City Classic Bodybuilding Show in Bodybuilding, winning my class and overall. Being able to get back on stage after a 16 year hiatus, despite the visible scarring that I face every day, the multiple surgeries and the partial loss of my leg was one of my proudest achievements to date. Winning the show was just “icing” on the cake.
This past January, I underwent my second shoulder surgery. I talked to a friend of mine who agreed to coach me after I recovered from this surgery. We targeted the NANBF Great Lakes Super Natural promoted by Dave Yeates show in October, this time taking a shot in the figure division. This was my first figure show and I had less than 10 months to rehab my shoulder and train for the show. People told me that I should wait another year. But I was determined to compete this year. On October 19, I stepped on stage in the best condition of my life. Not only did I win masters, my class and overall, I won my pro card. Yes, I overcame adversity and finally awarded my long lived goal of becoming a pro.
The lesson I learned is that excuses are too easy to come by but having the strength to overcome adversity comes from within. Separate yourself from the negative influences in your life and never give up on your dreams or yourself.