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Welcome to the NGA Promoter Gallery

The National Gym Association comprises a board of directors and faculty staff that include Medical Directors, PhD's, Masters in Medical Biology and Nutrition, Promoters, Personal Trainers, Current Bodybuilding Champions and many more. All are dedicated to the betterment of all-natural, drug free bodybuilding and providing world class certified professional fitness training programs.

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Benjamin Apollos - NGA Promoter, NGA Pro Bodybuilder
Benjamin Apollos

Benjamin Apollos - NGA Promoter, NGA Pro Bodybuilder

Personal: Married, 4 children



Facebook: benjamin apollos fans

State (residence): Georgia

Available For Posing Exhibitions and/or Seminars: Yes

Occupation: President & Founder, The Apollos Nation Incorporation and Genetic Fitness Matrix, Inc.

NGA Promoter Since: 2017

Judge Since: 1991

NGA Judge Since: 2001

Pro AthleteTraining since: 1980

Year Turned PRO: 1994

Height: 5' 9"
Weight: Preshow 206
Weight: Show 190

Personal Trainer Since: 1984

Education: College Graduate

Best Body Part: Biceps

Most Challenging Body Part: Hamstrings

Favorite Exercise: Free weight squats

Least Favorite Exercise: Leg curls of any kind

Traits You Admire Most In Others: Resilency, tenacity, managed compassion, love, respect

Traits You Admire Most In Yourself: Assertiveness, creativeness, spiritual maturity


- U.S. Armed Forces National Champion
- West Coast Armed Forces Class and Overall Champion
- Pacific USA Class and Overall Champion
- Mr. Florida Class and Overall Champion Mr. San Diego Champion
- Mr. San Diego Champion
- Mr. California Champion
- Mr. Alabama State University Champion
- Jr. USA National Championship, 2nd place
- North American Championship, 3rd place
- Mr. USA Championship, 5th place
- US Nationals Championship 5th place
- lronman Championships, 5th place
- Military Athlete of the Year
- Bodybuilder of the Year
- Life Fitness one of the world's top personal trainers

Licensed General Contractor (Commercial & Residential)
US Army Chaplain Retired
US Marine Corps War Veteran
Licensed and Ordained Christian minister

I have authored nearly 50 fitness manuals and certified and mentored over 2000 personal trainers since 1998

Masters Degree in Psychology & Pastoral Care Bachelors Degree in Urban & Public Health & Affairs Associates Degree in Public Health & Affairs

I have appeared in many major fitness magazines to include NGA NATURAL mag, Flex, MuscleMag, Muscular Development, NPC News and Muscle & Fitness Magazine.

BIO: I consider myself to be very assertive and aggressive when need be. I am very creative and I love to build things and build lives. I am either licensed or certified in all major areas of life (Body, Mind and Spirit). I have counseled hundreds of individuals and families over the past 24 years. I am the father of 4 adult children. My oldest son owns a personal training business, my oldest daughter has a masters in pharmaceutical administration, is married with a girl and boy.  My youngest daughter is a commissioned officer (2nd Lieutenant in the Air Force) and just got accepted to law school. My youngest son is a freshman in college on full academic scholarship.

I am a Christian and have been for 25 years now. Each day, I realize how frail my spirit, body, and soul are. Each day I realize more how sensitive people are and need to be loved wherever they are. No matter how many muscles they have, no matter how beautiful she is, generally arrogance and a vengeful nature is linked to pain somewhere in that person's past. Although I still struggle with meeting people where they are in life and being patient with them, I love people. Also, I have learned that people can be very self-righteous when it comes to them taking responsibilty for wrongs they do to others while at the same time are very punitive when blaming others. It is a problem of society starting with individuals that hinders social progress in our communities, country and the world at large. I am writing several books. I believe that I have a lot of work to do in the fitness community. God has blessed me with many talents and it use to be a struggle just focusing on one. Now, I have found a way for the gifts to co-exist. It is an exciting time for me. Stay tuned...

Benjamin Apollos

Benjamin Apollos